The impact of implementing AI in recruitment on human resource management efficiency and organizational development effectiveness

Ahmad Suliman Alnsour, Omar Ali Kanaan, Maimar Salah, Leen Alfayyad, Yara Hijazi, Dana Alsharif

Article ID: 6186
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This study investigated the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Recruitment and Selection Process and its effect on the Efficiency of Human Resource Management (HRM) and on the Effectiveness of Organizational Development (OD) in Jordanian commercial banks. The research aimed to provide solutions to reduce the cost, time, and effort spent in the process of HRM and to increase OD Effectiveness. The research model was developed based on comprehensive review of existing literature on the subject. The population of this study comprised HR Managers and Employees across all commercial banks in Jordan, and a census method was employed to gather 177 responses. Data analysis was conducted using Amos and SPSS software packages. The findings show a statistically significant positive impact of AI adoption in the Recruitment and Selection Process on HR Efficiency, which in turn positively impacted OD Effectiveness. Additionally, the study indicated that the ease-of-use of AI technologies played a positive moderating role in the relationship between the Recruitment and Selection Process through AI and HR Efficiency. This study concludes that implementing AI tools in Recruitment is vital through improving HR Efficiency and Organization Effectiveness.


recruitment; artificial intelligence; human resource management; organizational development; efficiency; effectiveness

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