Enhancing sustainable mobility and communities: A structural equation modelling analysis of motorcyclists’ proneness in road accidents

Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Kassim, Md. Sharif Hassan, Mohammad Bin Amin, Muhammad Safizal Abdullah, Shahrul Nizam Salahudin, Csaba Bálint Illés

Article ID: 6179
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


Road accidents involving motorcyclists significantly threaten sustainable mobility and community safety, necessitating a comprehensive examination of contributing factors. This study investigates the behavioral aspects of motorcyclists, including riding anger, sensation-seeking, and mindfulness, which play crucial roles in road accidents. The study employed structural equation modeling to analyze the data, utilizing a cross-sectional design and self-administered questionnaires. The results indicate that riding anger and sensation-seeking tendencies have a direct impact on the likelihood of road accidents, while mindfulness mitigates these effects. Specifically, mindfulness partially mediates the relationships between riding anger and road accident proneness, as well as between sensation-seeking and road accident proneness. These findings underscore the importance of effective anger management, addressing sensation-seeking tendencies, and promoting mindfulness practices among motorcyclists to enhance road safety and sustainable mobility. The insights gained from this research are invaluable for relevant agencies and stakeholders striving to reduce motorcycle-related accidents and foster sustainable communities through targeted interventions and educational programs.


mindfulness; riding anger; road safety; structural equation modeling; road accident proneness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.6179


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