Analysis of e-commerce problems and solutions from the perspective of policy actors in Indonesia

Surizki Febrianto, Pahmi Amri, Rio Barten T. H.

Article ID: 6168
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 212 (Abstract)


E-commerce is increasingly developing as a platform large and small companies use to carry out online transactions with consumers. However, the development of e-commerce is also fraught with new environmental problems. Various problems occur, such as data leaks and fraud in buying and selling transactions. This research aims to deepen the study of the e-commerce environment from the perspective of local policymakers, and this research completes a study on the analysis of e-commerce problems and solutions from the perspective of policy actors. The development of e-commerce still has an unsafe environment; the potential for fraud and data leakage is still significant, and a government response is needed, such as creating new regulations or revising existing regulations. This research uses qualitative analysis with a content analysis approach and national online news media as research data and information sources. Nvivo 12 Plus software was used to identify problems and solutions offered by actors in their narratives in the media. The results of this research show that data leaks and e-commerce have the potential to threaten the country’s resilience, conventional businesses are threatened with closure, and policymakers are shifting responsibility for overcoming e-commerce problems. Current regulations still need to be made appropriately to overcome e-commerce problems.


e-commerce; regulation; solutions; public policy

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