Non-Face-to-Face interactions in digital extension for innovating in farming communication: A case from South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Sri Sasmita Dahlan, Sitti Bulkis, Akhsan Akhsan, Darmawan Salman

Article ID: 6131
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


The utilization of digital tools in agricultural extension has facilitated information delivery through non-face-to-face interactions. Therefore, this study aimed to map the variation in digital tools used by agricultural extension workers to access and deliver information and analyse the outcomes of farmers’ adoption. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with agricultural extension workers at 11 Agricultural Extension Centers. The data were processed using the N-Vivo qualitative data analysis software. The results showed that extension workers combined various digital tools as sources of extension materials and channels for delivering information to farmers. Although social interaction between agricultural extension workers and farmers occurred non-face-to-face, messages could be adopted by farmers and yield tangible outcomes. This was reflected in the asynchronous communication, allowing extension workers sufficient time to improve the quality of the delivered messages. Farmers also had sufficient time to review the received information content in this context repeatedly. These results implied that although extension content is delivered through non-face-to-face interaction, it can still drive adoption with significant outcomes.


non-face-to-face social interaction; digital extension; asynchronous communication; delivery of information; adoption

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