The effects of perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) on thriving at work in the hospitality industry

Shan Yang, Hasan Tinmaz

Article ID: 6094
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 15 (Abstract) 2 (PDF)


Despite the proliferation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) studies, it is accruing academic interest since there still remains a lot to be further explored. The purpose of the study is to examine whether/how CSR perception affect employee/intern thriving at work and its mediator through perceived external prestige in the hospitality industry. Data from 501 hospitality industry employees and interns in China were collected using a quantitative survey consisting of 35 questions. Statistical findings showed that CSR perception and thriving at work were positively related. Additionally, perceived external prestige partially mediated the connection between CSR perception and thriving at work. Furthermore, the study found that hotel interns generally exhibited lower levels of CSR perception and thriving at work compared with frontline or managerial staff. The study underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between hotel practitioners and university educators to enhance CSR perception and promote thriving among hotel interns. By prioritizing the improvement of CSR perception and thriving at work, the hotel sector can potentially mitigate workforce shortages and reduce high turnover rates.


corporate social responsibility; CSR perception; thriving at work; perceived external prestige; hospitality; interns

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