Innovation management in the defense sector: A systematic literature review focusing on developing countries
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024
Innovation management is an organizational iterative process of seeking and selecting new opportunities and ideas, implementing them, and capturing value from the results obtained. In the defense sector, due to the increasing interdependence between military capabilities and technology, countries have adopted innovation management approaches to drive the modernization of their defense industrial bases, promoting the development and integration of advanced technologies. This study presents an original systematic literature review on innovation management approaches applied to defense in developing countries. After the phases of identification and screening, 62 documents both from academic and gray literature were analyzed and categorized into 22 distinct approaches. The advantages, disadvantages, contexts, and potential applications of each approach were discussed. The findings show that the appropriate use of these approaches can strengthen the innovation capacity and technological independence of late-industrializing countries, consolidating their position in the global defense landscape and ensuring their sovereignty and continuous technological progress.
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