Strategic factors for ensuring the sustainability of economic development of industrial complexes (on the example of shipbuilding industry)

Alexey Novikov

Article ID: 6061
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


Shipbuilding industry is characterized by high price competition, as well as tight deadlines for product design and production. The dominant positions in the civil shipbuilding market are occupied by the countries of Southeast Asia, and for a number of reasons, participants from other countries are uncompetitive. Thus, in order to ensure the sustainable development of companies in the global civil shipbuilding market, it is necessary to identify and analyze the main factors that provided the competitive advantages of industry leaders. Assessment of further directions of shipbuilding development is a necessary condition for the formation of competitive advantages of new market participants. The article analyzes the main directions of development of the world civil shipbuilding in the period after World War II, as well as prospects for the future. As a result of the analysis of the latest organizational management concepts, the concept of modular production in shipbuilding is proposed, and directions for further research are determined.


shipbuilding; lean manufacturing; resource efficiency; customer value creation; flexibility (mobility); large-block ship construction; clustering; block-modular concept; production system modules

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