Adaptation model to climate change in the traditional homes of the Weenhayek people in Bolivia

Juan Marco Rojas-Molina, Libys Martha Zúñiga-Igarza, Reyner Pérez-Campdesuñer, Yandi Fernández-Ochoa, Gelmar García-Vidal, Alexander Sánchez-Rodríguez

Article ID: 6042
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


The affectations caused by extreme events of natural origin such as droughts and floods in traditional homes in the province of Gran Chaco, in Bolivia, are frequent. These aspects compromise the habitat of the populations that occupy them, as is the case of the original Weenhayek people, as an alternative for the improvement of the human habitat of this town. Through theoretical and empirical methods, five variables used for the development of the adaptation model were determined, from the bases of planned adaptation as a component of urban-territorial resilience, in search of an improvement of socio-environmental systems in the face of the effects of climate change, exemplified in the Weenhayek native people. The model establishes the improvements of traditional dwellings, from a current trend of deterioration to one of preservation, conservation and growth in the Weenhayek culture, through various features, such as: Respects the cultural design of the house that integrates local patterns of the environment, ecosystem and contemporary construction elements without affecting its image, the materials and construction techniques used are of a traditional nature, but with contemporary elements that improve their application, durability, stability, as an articulated construction system, commits governments in all instances to the technical-constructive study of the rural areas of the human settlements of the Weenhayek people, and establishes a starting point towards new studies focused on native peoples.


climate change; human habitat; urban-territorial resilience; environment; ecosystem; contemporary construction

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