The linkages among environmental dynamism, dynamic capability and competitive advantage: Significant implication for retail development

Nguyen Phuong Linh, Nguyen Thi Uyen

Article ID: 6026
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


This study simultaneously examined the linkages among environmental dynamism, three dynamic capabilities, and the competitive advantages of retail businesses, which have not been identified before. Furthermore, this study fills the significant gaps in the literature and practical guidelines for retail development through improving retailer’s dynamic capabilities in response to environmental dynamism. The study used a quantitative approach by partial least squares SEM (PLS-SEM) to examine the hypotheses. Data were collected from 304 Vietnamese retail business managers. The results show that environmental dynamism plays a significant role in fostering the improvement of retailers’ dynamic capabilities. The findings also reveal positive linkages among the three dynamic capabilities before they significantly improve retailers’ competitive advantage. These are the valuable guidelines for retailers to nurture their dynamic capabilities, including service innovation capabilities, multi-channel integration, and brand orientation for sustaining their competitive advantages.


environmental dynamism; service innovation capability; multi-channel integration systems; branding orientation; competitive advantage

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