Global perspectives on cybercrime legislation

Naeem AllahRakha

Article ID: 6007
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


Cybercrime poses a growing threat to individuals, businesses, and governments in the digital age. This research aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the legal frameworks developed by international organizations to combat cybercrime, providing a comparative analysis of their approaches and highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. The study employs a qualitative research methodology, utilizing a doctrinal approach to examine primary and secondary legal sources for data analysis. The results reveal the ongoing efforts of the United Nations and other international bodies to establish a unified approach to combating cybercrime through conventions on Cybercrime. The research emphasizes the importance of harmonizing laws, fostering international cooperation, and adapting to evolving cyber threats while maintaining a balance between security and individual rights. Recommendations include strengthening legal frameworks, enhancing public-private partnerships, and investing in capacity building and technical assistance for developing countries. The study concludes by highlighting the critical importance of comprehensive and harmonized cybercrime legislation in the global fight against cybercrime and calls for continued efforts to address the challenges posed by this ever-evolving threat.


cybercrime; legal frameworks; ITU; ENISA; NIS Directives

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