State policy of supervision and control regarding compliance with labour discipline of employees and its implementation

Oleksii Kucher, Leonid Mohilevskyi

Article ID: 5965
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


Research issue: The study is driven by contemporary global challenges regarding the stability and efficiency of production processes, the necessity to enhance competitiveness, and ensuring workplace safety, which demands a systematic approach to monitoring and supervising adherence to labour discipline. The research is theoretical in nature. The aim/objective of the study is to analyse the specifics of state policy on supervision and control over employees’ adherence to labour discipline, the peculiarities of its practical implementation, and perspectives for improvement. Method: The study employed a logical-semantic method, analytical and documentary methods of analysis, and the method of expert assessment of labour discipline of employees and employers based on their evaluation of certain aspects of labour discipline. The research methodology included a sample size of 30 respondents, and the research instrument was expert evaluation. Data collection was conducted through surveys, and the calculation method was quantitative. Results: The article examines the impact of the main incentives and methods on ensuring labour discipline, determining their essence and forms of manifestation. It also considers the extent of application of each method in enterprise practices. It was found that economic methods are widely used and aimed at increasing employee motivation and maintaining their labour discipline. The analysis revealed that the main manifestations of employee labour discipline and managerial duties are differences in the perception of labour discipline by both parties. It was found that employers underestimate the productivity and abilities of employees, indicating potential systemic deficiencies in human resource management. Conversely, employees note that managers ignore their needs and problems. The results of the expert evaluation showed that employees rated their discipline higher than employers did. These discrepancies in evaluations could affect internal relations within the team and require managerial attention to improve interaction and cooperation. Conclusion: Based on the assessment of labour discipline, systemic deficiencies in human resource management were identified, highlighting the need for appropriate monitoring and employee motivation mechanisms. The study proposes innovative personnel management methods to ensure labour discipline in enterprises, including HR branding, team building, mentoring, and grading. It is proven that these approaches allow for the creation of a fundamentally new management system to ensure compliance with labour discipline and the development of professionalism and employee motivation.


labour discipline; supervision; control; state policy; incentives; motivation; branding; team building; mentoring; grading

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