Fostering inter-sectorial integration: Legal and policy framework for physical infrastructure in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Misiker Bitew, Admassu Huluka, Gebre Takaro

Article ID: 5956
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


The rapid urbanization of Addis Ababa presents significant challenges and opportunities in coordinating the development of physical infrastructure. This study investigates the legal and policy framework for inter-sectorial integration across critical domains such as electricity, roadways, telecommunications, and water management. Drawing on Institutional Theory and policy integration theory, the research employs a comprehensive methodological approach, including documentary analysis, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and observational studies. Through meticulous examination of existing laws, regulations, and institutional structures, the study identifies critical gaps and limitations that impede effective coordination among infrastructure-providing entities. Findings reveal the pressing need for cohesive policies, institutional reforms, and enhanced collaboration to mitigate disruptions and advance sustainable development goals. By situating these findings within the broader discourse on urban infrastructure governance, the research offers valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of infrastructure coordination in rapidly expanding cities. The study underscores the necessity for strategic interventions that promote efficient, environmentally sustainable, and economically viable infrastructure provision. Moreover, the implications of this research extend beyond academia, providing actionable policy and practice recommendations that can inform decision-making processes in Addis Ababa and analogous urban contexts worldwide. This holistic approach facilitates a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between legal frameworks, policy dynamics, and institutional arrangements, thereby laying a robust foundation for informed decision-making and strategic interventions in urban infrastructure development.


Addis Ababa; electricity; infrastructure coordination; institutional theory; road, water infrastructure coordination

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