Performance of public service employees in Makassar: Hard & soft analysis of human resource management approach

Budradeen Ahmed Abd Alla, Arifuddin Mannan, Andi Aswan, Sabbar Dahham Sabbar, Mursalim Nohong

Article ID: 5910
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 190 (Abstract)


This study examines the impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices, specifically Compensation, Job Design, and Training, on employee outcomes, including Engagement, Efficiency, Customer Satisfaction, and Innovation within an organizational framework. Employing a quantitative research methodology, the study utilizes a cross-sectional survey design to collect data from employees within a public service organization, analyzing the relationships through structural equation modelling. Findings reveal significant positive relationships between HRM practices and employee performance metrics, highlighting the pivotal role of Employee Engagement as a mediator in enhancing organizational effectiveness. Specifically, Compensation and Job Design significantly influence Employee Engagement and Efficiency, while training is crucial for driving Innovation and Customer Satisfaction. The practical implications of this research underscore the necessity for organizations to adopt integrated and strategic HRM frameworks that foster employee engagement to drive performance outcomes. These insights are vital for HR practitioners and organizational leaders aiming to enhance workforce productivity and innovation. In conclusion, the study contributes valuable perspectives to the HRM literature, advocating for holistic HRM practices that optimize employee well-being and ensure organizational competitiveness. Future research is encouraged to explore these dynamics across various sectors and cultural contexts to validate the generalizability of the findings.


human resource management; public service performance; employee efficiency; customer satisfaction; innovation; hard HRM practices; soft HRM practices

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