Rethinking Gen-Z mobility: A comparative study of travel behavior across developed and developing nations
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
VIEWS - 371 (Abstract)
This paper critically reviews the prevailing generalizations in current research on Generation Z (Gen-Z) travel behavior. While various studies have characterized Gen-Z’s transportation preferences as leaning towards sustainable and technology-integrated modes of transport, this paper argues that the findings are largely based on observations from developed countries and may not accurately reflect behavior in developing countries. This paper is written using a narrative literature study approach. Through a comprehensive literature review, the paper highlights the differences in Gen-Z travel patterns across different geographical regions, emphasizing the need for context-specific analysis. The paper addresses often overlooked factors such as economic limitations, infrastructure challenges, and cultural nuances that shape mobility choices. The aim is to dissect the cohort effect and look at its validity across different socio-economic landscapes through existing literature. As such, the paper provides nuanced insights into the heterogeneity of Gen-Z travel behavior and suggests cautioning against over-generalization, as well as advocating for a more localized approach in transportation policy and planning. The paper also encourages similar research in developing countries to gain a more comprehensive understanding of Gen-Z travel behavior globally.
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