The influence of community empowerment and sustainability oriented innovation on sustainability performance through co-working spaces

Kurniadi Kurniadi, Nurliana Nurliana, Rosyidah Rahmah, Armiwal Armiwal

Article ID: 5848
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 719 (Abstract)


This research aims to determine and analyze the extent of the influence of community empowerment and sustainability-oriented innovation on sustainable performance through coworking spaces in the city of Bandung. To achieve the research objectives, a deductive approach is employed, intending to test a hypothesis to strengthen or reject existing hypotheses. Therefore, this research is also categorized as explanatory research. The research method used is the survey research method. The research sample is determined based on proportional stratified random sampling. This study focuses on business groups in coworking spaces in the 28 districts of Bandung City, with a total of 408 business operators. The sample selected consists of 208 business operators. Based on the research results, several conclusions are drawn, as follows: (1) Community empowerment has a significantly positive influence on sustainability performance, with a contribution of 84.5%; (2) Sustainability-oriented innovation has a significantly positive influence on sustainability performance, with a contribution of 69.2%; (3) Community empowerment has a significantly positive influence on Coworking Space, with a contribution of 93.6%; (4) Sustainability-oriented innovation has a significantly positive influence on Coworking Space, with a contribution of 36%; (5) Community empowerment has a significantly positive influence on sustainability-oriented innovation, with a contribution of 90.6%; (6) Coworking Space has a significantly positive influence on sustainability performance, with a contribution of 34%; (7) Community empowerment has a significantly positive influence on sustainability performance through Coworking Space, with a contribution of 20.7%; and (8) Sustainability oriented innovation has a significantly positive influence on sustainability performance through Coworking Space, with a contribution of 12.2%.


community empowerment; sustainability oriented innovation; sustainability performance; coworking space

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