Entrepreneurial dynamics in the information age: A systematic literature review of research patterns and intellectual structures (2005–2024)
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
This systematic literature review examines the convergence of entrepreneurship and information technology between 2005 and 2024. It investigates how the emergence of information technologies such as social networks, smart devices, big data, and cloud computing have transformed business operations and entrepreneurial approaches. The study use technologies such as Bibliometrix to analyze academic literature and identify research trends, knowledge structures, and their evolutionary routes. During the specified time frame, a grand total of 292 articles were published by 777 writers. These publications have played a key role in redirecting academic focus from traditional entrepreneurship to the field of digital entrepreneurship and the applications of information technology. A thematic analysis uncovers a shift from theoretical investigation to practical implementations and multidisciplinary research, while a co-citation analysis highlights important contributors and influential works. This study emphasizes the crucial importance of information technology in influencing entrepreneurial behaviors and strategic business decisions. It also offers valuable insights for future research and entrepreneurial practice in the information age.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.5829
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