Navigating food security challenges: A comprehensive analysis, gaps, and future directions
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
In the context of contemporary global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical conflicts, and climate change, food security assumes particular significance, being an integral part of national security. This study aims to investigate the interplay between food security and national security systems, with a focus on identifying gaps in the literature and determining directions for further research. The study conducted a systematic literature review on food security and national security systems employing a rigorous and transparent process. The qualitative analysis is grounded in the quantitative one, encompassing studies from Scopus. The examination of the selected peer-reviewed articles revealed several methodological and thematic limitations in existing research: i Geographic imbalance: There is a predominant focus on developed countries, while food security issues in developing countries remain insufficiently studied; ii Insufficient explication: There is a lack of research dedicated to managerial and economic aspects of food security in the context of national security; iii Methodological constraints: There is a predominance of quantitative methods and retrospective/cross-sectional studies. Recommendations include developing comprehensive strategies at both global and national levels to enhance food stability and accessibility.
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