Research on the construction of high-quality engineering programs in China under the new engineering education context

Dandan Han, Xianhong Ma, Yuanxin Zhang, Yen Wei

Article ID: 5800
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 84 (Abstract) 35 (PDF)


The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “Give priority to the development of education, accelerate the construction of high-quality universities and disciplines, and realize the connotative development of higher education.” Against the backdrop of the “new engineering” construction in universities, new requirements have been put forward for local universities regarding the construction of academic disciplines. This paper aims to follow the laws of higher education development, according to the needs of national and local economic construction, scientific and technological progress, and social development, to study the ideas for constructing first-class majors at local universities, talent training models, problems and difficulties faced during the construction process, and to promote the connotative development of majors at local universities. It provides references for the construction of first-class majors at other local universities.


new engineering; personnel training; first-class major; specialty construction

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