High-end domestic tourism management after the crisis: A case study in Thailand

Chayapoj Lee-Anant, Therdchai Choibamroong, Sangkae Punyasiri, Boonnawat Srikhwan

Article ID: 5777
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


The COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 heralded a downturn in the Thai economy, particularly in the tourism and hospitality sectors which rely heavily on international tourists. To decrease the dependence of international tourists, this research outlined three objectives as 1) explore and classify the high-end domestic tourism market among 77 provinces in Thailand, 2) study the potential and readiness of tourism resources and tourism products to cater to the demand of high-end domestic tourists, and 3) suggest tourism management approaches for domestic high-end tourists after the crisis. Both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies were applied to achieve the research objectives. Income was used to identify and segment high-end domestic tourists living in 77 provinces in Thailand, while a verified questionnaire collected data from 1200 respondents nationwide. Forty-one experts from different tourism-related agencies at local and regional levels were targeted using purposive sampling techniques, and semi-structured interviews were conducted to acquire qualitative data. High-end domestic tourists, classified by monthly income, were segmented into Silver (50,000–70,000 THB), Gold (70,001–90,000 THB), Diamond (91,001–110,000 THB), and Platinum groups (Over 110,001 THB). These high-end domestic tourists shared both similarities and differences in tourism needs, preferences, and behaviors. Sixteen provinces in six domestic regions demonstrated the potential and readiness of tourism resources and products to satisfy the needs, preferences, and behaviors of high-end domestic tourists.


tourism management; high-end tourists; domestic tourism; domestic tourists; tourism crisis; Thailand

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.5777


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