The role of green human resource management in promoting environmentally responsibility behavior in sustainable tourism model

Arnis Budi Susanto, Ema Desia Prajitiasari, Intan Nurul Awwaliyah

Article ID: 5739
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


Research that discusses the impact of implementing Green Human Resource Management and environmentally friendly behavior, especially in sustainable tourism, is limited. It becomes crucial to understand how implementing good green human resource management practices in tourism sector organizations. To achieve the objectives of this research, a qualitative approach was used where the data and information collected were obtained through direct observation and interviews with tourism informants. The findings show the importance of environmentally friendly behavior as the implementation of green human resource management is able to improve tourism management. The uniqueness of this research is developing a model of human resource readiness in implementing environmentally friendly behavior towards sustainable tourism. This resource readiness will be reflected in the GHRM model in supporting sustainable tourism. The results of this research offer a model of sustainable Green Tourism which includes antecedents, implementation and results achieved. These antecedents come from internal and external (environmental ethics and management commitment) managers which will result in good GHRM implementation. This model will be the basis for implementing sustainable tourism in human resource management practices based on literature reviews and also tourism management practices.


environmental behavior; green behavior; green human resource management; sustainable; green tourism

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