The implementation of government regulation on the administration of immunization
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
The Universal Child Immunization Village (UCI) is a community that has successfully achieved the goal of providing Complete Basic Immunization (CBI) to infants before they reach one year of age. Based on data from the 2018 Basic Health Research, Complete Basic Immunization (CBI) coverage reached 57.9%. In contrast, 32.9% of the population received incomplete immunizations, while a small portion, namely 9.2%, did not receive any immunizations at all. This research aims to understand the implementation of government regulations regarding immunization implementation in the working area of Tarempa Community Health Center, Anambas Islands Regency. In this study, the author uses a qualitative socio-legal method. The snowball sampling technique was used to collect research samples. The samples in this study are parents of infants in South Tarempa Village and East Coastal Village, healthcare workers in the working area of Tarempa Community Health Center, and the PPKB Department of Health who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of 9 primary informants, the coverage of immunization implementation in the working area of Tarempa Community Health Center primarily did not meet the requirements with seven informants (77.8%) and met the criteria with two respondents (22.2%). The assessment of the role of healthcare workers as customers, communicators, motivators, facilitators, and counselors was positively evaluated based on good criteria. Parental refusal of immunization and the lack of regulations from local governments are inhibiting factors in implementing immunization programs.
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