The effect of financial literacy on Indonesian women micro entrepreneurs through financial intermediation
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
Financial literacy and financial intermediation are vital tools for all businesses, particularly women micro-entrepreneurs. Even with modest means, they have been shown to considerably contribute to economic independence at the family, national, and international levels. Since Indonesian women microentrepreneurs still have trouble getting bank loans (being unbanked), the majority of them join cooperatives. Cooperatives are without doubt the financial intermediation institutions of choice for micro-communities; nonetheless, research on the subject is still scarce, particularly in developing nations. In order to bridge this gap, this study looks at the role of cooperatives as financial intermediation organizations. Examining the impact of financial literacy through cooperative financial intermediation on the financial performance of Indonesian women microentrepreneurs is the main goal of the study. The cross-sectional data were identified using purposive approaches and processed with the use of Smart PLS as part of an explanatory research approach. The direct influence test results demonstrate that enhancing financial performance and financial intermediation are directly impacted by financial literacy. Additionally, financial intermediation (cooperatives) was successful in influencing the impact of financial literacy on the financial performance of micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia, according to the findings of the mediation effect test.
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