Surf pool and urban development in Madrid: A social analysis of sports tourism infrastructure

Diego Santos González

Article ID: 5667
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This study explores the impacts of introducing a surf pool in Madrid, Spain, on urban development, community dynamics, and local surfing culture. Through a qualitative methodology comprising in-depth interviews with local and non-local surfers, as well as a discussion group with residents of the neighborhood where the wave pool is being developed, we delve into the anticipated social, economic, and environmental implications of this innovative sports infrastructure. Our findings reveal a general optimism about the wave pool's potential to foster community engagement, enhance urban livability, and attract a vibrant, active population. However, concerns regarding potential gentrification effects and the sustainability of the project are also identified. This research contributes to the broader discourse on the integration of sports facilities into urban environments, highlighting the need for inclusive planning processes and sustainable development practices. The introduction of the wave pool in Madrid presents a unique case study in the interplay between urban sports infrastructure and city life, offering valuable insights for urban policymakers, planners, and the academic community. As cities continue to seek innovative ways to enhance urban environments and community well-being, the role of sports infrastructure, exemplified by the wave pool, emerges as a significant area of interest and investigation.


surf pool; sociology; sustainable development; social economy; gentrification; community dynamics; sports infrastructure; leisure

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