Circular economy in developing countries for sustainable development: A review
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
A significant percentage of any nation’s economy comes from the building industry, and its performance can impact overall economic growth and development. This paper aims to identify the similarities and differences between the construction sector (CS) of developed and developing economies in terms of size, growth, and contribution to the Gross domestic product (GDP) to understand the similarities and variances in the CS dynamics, trends, and challenges, and to inform policy decisions and investments through the literature review. The study also explores the factors that affect the CS’s performance in both types of economies, such as government policies, market conditions, and technological advancements. This paper concludes that the CS in developed economies is more established and technologically advanced, but there is still significant room for growth in developing economies. Moreover, a framework is proposed that could assist developing nations in opting for the construction economy. Further, the review emphasizes the significance of government policies and investments in infrastructure development to stimulate the CS’s growth and support overall economic development. The results of the study will assist in enhancing understanding of the CS’s potential in both developed and developing economies and support decision-making for policymakers, industry practitioners, and academicians.
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