Changes and challenges of legal education in the era of generative artificial intelligence: Chinese experience
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
Using generative artificial intelligence systems in the classroom for law case analysis teaching can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of knowledge delivery. They can create interactive learning environments that are appropriate, immersive, integrated, and evocative, guiding students to conduct case analysis from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives. This teaching method not only increases students’ interest and participation in learning but also helps cultivate their interdisciplinary thinking and global vision. However, the application of generative artificial intelligence systems in legal education also faces some challenges and issues. If students excessively rely on these systems, their ability to think independently, make judgments, and innovate may be weakened, leading to over-trust in machines and reinforcement of value biases. To address these challenges and issues, legal education should focus more on cultivating students’ questioning skills, self-analysis abilities, critical thinking, basic legal literacy, digital skills, and humanistic spirit. This will enable students to respond to the challenges brought by generative artificial intelligence and ensure their comprehensive development in the new era.
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