Navigating supply chain vulnerability: A case study of resilience in Pakistan’s large-scale manufacturing sector
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
In the face of growing disruptions within the unconventional business environment, this study focuses on enhancing supply chain resilience through strategically reforming resources. It highlights the importance of understanding the dynamics and interactions of resources to tackle supply chain vulnerability (SCV) in the manufacturing sector. Employing the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) methodology alongside an adapted Analytic Network Process (ANP), the research investigates supply chain vulnerabilities in Pakistan’s large-scale manufacturing (LSM) public sector firms. The DANP method, through expert questionnaires, helps validate a theoretical framework by assessing the interconnectedness of supply chain readiness dimensions and criteria. Findings underscore Resource Reformation (RR) as a critical dimension, with the positive restructuring of resources identified as pivotal for public sector firms to align their operations with disruption magnitudes, advocating for a detailed analysis of resource utilization.
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