Modelling Government-to-Government (G2G) usage among government employees in Kuwait: The contingent role of task interdependence

Faisal L. F. H. Almutairi, Ramayah Thurasamy, Jasmine A. L. Yeap, Ibtisam L. F. H. Almutairi, Bodoor F. Alazemi

Article ID: 5498
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


The purpose of this paper is to investigate employee performance using G2G system in Kuwait. The study is based on D&M model, and it proposed the moderating effect of task interdependence on employee performance. Data of 290 employees were collected from Kuwait ministries, and smart PLS was used to analyse the data. Results indicate that information quality, service quality, and employee training have positive influence on G2G usage. Information quality, G2G usage, and service quality have positive influence on employee satisfaction. G2G usage, employee satisfaction, and employee training have positive influence on employee performance. However, system quality and employee training have no relationship with employee satisfaction. System quality also has no relationship with G2G usage. The study also showed no moderating effect of task interdependence on the relationship between G2G usage and employee performance. To overcome research limitations, several recommendations have been given for future research on this area.


G2G; e-government; employee performance; task interdependence; Kuwait e-government; technology adoption; government to government; e-government

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