The effects of social network relationships and social media influencer characteristics on consumer purchase intention in Chinese online community

Yifan Li, Duangporn Puttawong

Article ID: 5473
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


With the continuous development of network has also greatly developed, exploring the role of social network relationships and attachment emotions on consumer intention helps community managers to promote community purchases for more consumer. As another core component of social e-commerce, social media influencer also has a significant influence on consumer intention. This study systematically analyzed the effects of social network relationships and social media influencer characteristics on consumer purchase intentions. Introduced consumer attachment and perceived value as mediating variables to construct the research framework of this study. This article adopts quantitative analysis methods to test the research hypotheses proposed. This article collected 600 first-hand data in the form of a survey questionnaire and analyzed the data using AMOS and SPSS statistical software. The empirical analysis in this article confirms that social network relationships has a significant impact on consumer purchase intentions; social media influencer characteristics has a significant impact on consumer purchase intentions; consumer attachment has a significant impact on perceived value;  consumer attachment plays a mediating role in the effect of social network relationships on consumers purchase intentions; perceived value plays no mediating role in the effect of social media influencer characteristics on consumer purchase intentions; perceived value plays a mediating role in the effect of consumer attachment on consumer purchase intentions; consumer attachment and perceived value have a chain mediating role between social network relationships and consumer purchase intentions.


social network relationships; social media influencer characteristics; consumer purchase intention; consumer attachment; perceived value

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