Schematic risk management in solicited and unsolicited project
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
The Indonesian government is currently carrying out massive infrastructure development, with a budget exceeding 10. Risk mapping based on good risk management is crucial for stakeholders in organizing construction projects. Projects financed by government, whether solicited or unsolicited schemes, should also include risk mapping to add value and foster partnerships. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a risk management model for solicited and unsolicited projects, focusing on the collaborative management system among stakeholders in government-financed projects. Risk review was conducted from various stakeholders’ perspectives, examining the impacts and potential losses to manage uncertainty and reduce losses for relevant parties. Furthermore, qualitative analysis was conducted using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews. The results showed that partnering-based risk management with risk sharing in solicited and unsolicited projects had similarities with Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). This approach provided benefits and value by developing various innovations in the project life cycle.
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