Ontological perception of a smart unified organizational compliance model to mitigate financial risk and promote sustainability in the manufacturing sector

Tarnima Warda Andalib, T. Ramayah, Takmilla Tabassum, Shosunth Chandra Sarker, Fairuza Mehreen, Md Tanvir Hasan

Article ID: 5318
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This research intends to find out the compliance acts based on the manufacturing industry of Bangladesh and lead to the development of the integrated theory of compliance model. There are several compliance regulations, that are separately dealt with in any manufacturing organization. These compliance regulations are handled at various ends of the organization making the process quite scattered, time-consuming, and tedious. To fix this problem, the integration of organizational compliance regulations is brought under one platform. Researchers have applied the qualitative approach with multiple case studies methodology scrutinizing the in-depth interviews and transcripts. Furthermore, the NVIVO tool has been used to analyze, where the necessary themes of the Organizational Compliance Regulations are found. Therefore, we have proposed a conceptual framework to inaugurate a standalone combined framework, which is an innovative and novel measure.


compliance; manufacturing; qualitative; model; sustainability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd5318


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