Towards sustainable development at full-service restaurants in west Malaysia
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
The food and beverage sector played a big part in contributing to the economic growth in Malaysia hence there was a major increase in the numbers of restaurants opening up for businesses. This study therefore examines factors with the aims of ensuring a sustainable development in full-service restaurants in West Malaysia. The results of this study have made a substantial contribution to restaurant owner’s’ comprehension of the fundamental components that underlie customer satisfaction and loyalty. By examining the moderating effect of the customer’s gender in full-service restaurants in West Malaysia, the objective of this study was to ascertain the relationships between the three variables (quality of the food served at the restaurant, service quality, and environment), as well as the degree to which each attribute was able to relate to diner satisfaction. The underpinning theory for this study was the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Quantitative methods according to descriptive research and convenience sample strategy were utilized in this cross-sectional study. Questionnaires were distributed to 264 respondents through various online platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, and email. Data collection was evaluated using the Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27. In order to examine the connection between the three factors and diner’s satisfaction, various tests such as the multiple regression analysis, One-way ANOVA and Beta Coefficient test were carried out. The findings gave current restaurant owners and potential restaurant owners an overview of the different attributes influencing diner’s satisfaction at full-service restaurants in West Malaysia and also the extent of the moderating effect of diner’s gender had on each attribute. The outcome of this paper is expected to provide a sustainable growth in this industry.
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