Evolving higher education: Socioformation impact on quality assurance in the knowledge society era
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This study assesses the implementation of socioformation in Public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Mexico, exploring its impact on the quality of education in the knowledge society. With a sample of 150 educators, gender-balanced (44.7% female, 55.3% male), and an average age of 43.7 years, the research employed a validated socioformative rubric. Significant progress was observed in analytical and creative thinking, while areas related to living conditions and entrepreneurship education showed slower development. The findings highlight the advancements in socioformation but advocate for further research, including classroom observation and student evidence collection. Gender differences, communication, and leadership emerged as critical factors influencing socioformation implementation. Women demonstrated deeper comprehension of the educational model, willingness to adopt innovative strategies, and emphasis on socioformation axes. As educators gain experience, their adaptability to new pedagogical approaches increases. The study underscores the universal relevance of effective communication, leadership, and stakeholder involvement in successful educational model implementation. The research contributes valuable insights, emphasizing the importance of openness to new approaches and collaboration to prepare students for the challenges of the evolving knowledge society.
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