Blockchain for civil mediation in conflicts in condominiums
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
This paper foresees a critical analysis and development of a legislative proposal for the effective implementation of blockchain technology in Civil Mediation in conflicts in condominiums. This paper provides a legal analysis of personal, property rights and condominium disputes, applying blockchain technology for the purpose of self-executing civil mediation. This paper provides several solutions for conflicts in condominiums: Condominium Statute in blockchain, telematic attendance and voting systems, the self-execution of civil mediation agreements in conflicts in condominiums and Tokenization and IoT for property remote control in condominiums. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that, based on the experience of civil mediation in conflicts in condominiums, foreseen in US States and in other States such as Canada, Spain, the regulation is adapted for the correct application of blockchain technology for mediation in conflicts in condominiums.
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