Digital marketing business models: Key stages, types and trends of development

Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh, Ahmad Mohammad Al-Husban, Ayed Moh’d Al Muala, Mahmud Agel Abu Dalbouh, Mohamed Ibrahim Mugableh, Ibrahim Mahmoud Siam, Olga Popova, Ganna Myroshnychenko, Hanna Panchenko, Tetiana Vitovschyk (Yurko)

Article ID: 5106
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024



 The main goal of the article is to formalize the key business models of marketing of modern companies and substantiate the key stages, types and trends of development. The relevance and need to pay significant attention to the marketing digital business model when organizing a business is substantiated. Using structural and logical analysis and criticism of scientific research, the essence, advantages and disadvantages are determined, the main blocks, stages and key elements of the structure of business models of modern companies are argued. It has been proven that marketing digital business models serve as a logical and visual plan for organizing all business processes of companies from production, marketing, sales and logistics to building a hierarchy of profitability. The key development trends are substantiated and the most popular business models of business organization in modern conditions are structured on the basis of scientific generalization, structural and logical analysis and mathematical modeling. Practical significance is characterized by the fact that the marketing business models of world-class companies are generalized and structured, taking into account their specifics and characteristics. Practical recommendations and key stages of building a company’s business model and its implementation into reality have been formed to achieve strategic business goals.


digital marketing; business models; trends

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Copyright (c) 2024 Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh, Ahmad Mohammad Al-Husban, Ayed Moh’d Al Muala, Mahmud Agel Abu Dalbouh, Mohamed Ibrahim Mugableh, Ibrahim Mahmoud Siam, Olga Popova, Ganna Myroshnychenko, Hanna Panchenko, Tetiana Vitovschyk (Yurko)

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