Resilient marketing of Chinese hotel enterprises based on marketing mix
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
VIEWS - 820 (Abstract)
Resilient marketing in hotel enterprises is a research area that has not been systematically explored. This study is based on the 4Ps theory to conduct a systematic theoretical study of resilient marketing in hotel enterprises and promote the application of resilient marketing in hotel enterprises. Data were collected from Chinese hotel employees (n = 501) through an online survey. Data were analysed using SPSS and AMOS software. confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) combined with structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to explore hotel employees’ perceptions of resilient marketing in hotel companies. The findings suggest that the concept of resilient marketing, constructed through the four dimensions of resilient products, resilient prices, resilient price, and resilient promotions, is better able to help hotel enterprises withstand crises. This study contributes to understanding how Chinese hotel enterprises use the concept of resilient marketing to withstand crises, such as positively adapting to market changes, collaboratively responding to market competition, and resisting and reversing crises situation. It has important theoretical value and practical significance for constructing a theory of resilient marketing for hotel enterprises, promoting the practical development of resilient marketing for hotel enterprises.
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