A methodological approach to complex territorial development based on agglomeration effects: “Smart” specialization perspective

Leyla Gamidullaeva, Natalia Roslyakova

Article ID: 4986
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024

VIEWS - 110 (Abstract) 60 (PDF)


Regional differentiation in the Russian Federation is considered to be high in terms of gross regional product (GRP) per capita level, growth rate, and other indicators. Inefficient use of region-specific spaces entails redistribution processes in order to maximize positive agglomeration effects throughout the country. These encompass economic restructuring based on production value-added chain extension and expanding inter-regional collaborative linkages. Besides, it is vital to assess the opportunities of individual Russian territories for participation therein. The research goal is to develop a scientifically based methodology to determine promising sectoral composition of the regional economies and that of spatial interactions. Such methodology would consider the feasibility of combining “smart” industrial specializations, regional resource potential, prevailing contradictions in the economic, innovative, and technological development of the country’s internal space. The proposed methodological approach opens the way to exploit the existing regional economic potential to the full, firstly, via establishing sectoral priorities of the region regarding the regulatory factors for the territorial capital to have a major effect on the increased potential GRP level; secondly, through benchmarking performance of the available development reserves within leading regions from homogeneous groups having similar characteristics and factor potentials; thirdly, via developing inter-regional integration prospects in terms of regional potential redistribution to ensure growth in potential gross domestic product. An extensive analytical and applied investigation of the proposed methodological approach was carried out from 2014 to 2020. Diversified estimates were obtained for a wide range of indicators due to evidences from 85 Russian regions and 13 types of economic activity. Such an integrated approach allows revealing actual imbalances and barriers that impede regional development, ensures the efficient use of production factors, and enables to trace ways to implement transformation policies and design effective regulatory mechanisms. The results provide arguments in favor of strengthening inter-regional connectivity and supporting inter-regional cooperation. This insight not only contributes to the academic discourse on complex development of a territory but also holds practical implications for policymakers and regional planners aimed at ensuring comprehensiveness and robustness of the evaluation supporting the decision-making process.


clustering; region; spatial development; industrial concentration; methodological approach; agglomeration effects; smart specialization

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.4986


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