Exploring the factors influencing the adoption of business intelligence in Malaysia’s service sector

Baboo Daniel James Sivanathan, Ainin Sulaiman, Nadisah Zakaria, Siong Min Foo

Article ID: 4971
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


In the realm of contemporary business, Business Intelligence (BI) offers significant potential for informed decision-making, particularly among executives. However, despite its global popularity, BI adoption in Malaysia’s service sector remains relatively low, even in the face of extensive data generation. This study explores the factors influencing BI adoption in this sector, employing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as its conceptual framework. Drawing on relevant BI literature, the study identifies key TAM factors that impact BI adoption. Using SEM modelling, it analyses quantitative data collected from 45 individuals in managerial roles within Malaysia’s service sector, particularly in the Klang Valley. The findings highlight the crucial role of Perceived Usefulness in influencing the Behavioral Intention to adopt BI, serving as a mediating factor between Computer Self-efficacy and BI adoption. In contrast, Perceived Ease of Use does not have a direct impact on BI adoption and does not mediate the relationship between Computer Self-efficacy and Behavioral Intention. These insights demonstrate the complex nature of BI adoption, emphasizing the importance of Perceived Usefulness in shaping Behavioral Intentions. The outcomes of the study aim to guide executives in Malaysia’s service sector, outlining key considerations for successful BI adoption.


business intelligence; TAM; computer self-efficacy; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; behavioral intentions

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd4971


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