The innovation role of artificial intelligence using data analytics to influence sustainable business practices and firms’ profitability in cars industry

Hisham O. Mbaidin, Khaled Mohammad Alomari, Nour Qassem Sbaee, Isa Othman AlMubydeen, Ubaidullah Muhammad Chindo

Article ID: 4963
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 92 (Abstract) 51 (PDF)


The cars industry has undergone significant technological advancements, with data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) reshaping its operations. This study aims to examine the revolutionary influence of artificial intelligence and data analytics on the cars sector, particularly in terms of supporting sustainable business practices and enhancing profitability. Technology-organization-environment model and the triple bottom line technique were both used in this study to estimate the influence of technological factors, organizational factors, and environmental factors on social, environmental (planet), and economic. The data for this research was collected through a structured questionnaire containing closed questions. A total of 327 participants responded to the questionnaire from different professionals in the cars sector. The study was conducted in the cars industry, where the problem of the study revolved around addressing artificial intelligence in its various aspects and how it can affect sustainable business practices and firms’ profitability. The study highlights that the cars industry sector can be transformed significantly by using AI and data analytics within the TOE framework and with a focus on triple bottom line (TBL) outputs. However, in order to fully benefit from these advantages, new technologies need to be implemented while maintaining moral and legal standards and continuously developing them. This approach has the potential to guide the cars industry towards a future that is environmentally friendly, economically feasible, and socially responsible. The paper’s primary contribution is to assist professionals in the industry in strategically utilizing Artificial Intelligence and data analytics to advance and transform the industry.


artificial intelligence; cars industry; data analytics; sustainable business practices; firms’ profitability

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