Social entrepreneurship and employability of student entrepreneurs: The mediating roles of perceived support and perceived usefulness

Hamood M. Alenezi, Sania Khan, Noor Raihani Zainol, Solomon Gbene Zaato, Azam Malik, Ali Ahmed Khan

Article ID: 4886
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 69 (Abstract) 60 (PDF)


Universities continue to provide solutions to private and public sectors of the economy by providing a skilled economy, increasing employment potentials, and improving employee performance. This study offered a theoretical model on the contributing factors to graduate employability among student entrepreneurs in Malaysian Higher Education and the mediating mechanism of perceived support and usefulness in social entrepreneurship to solve the graduate unemployment problem. We attained data using purposive and face-to-face sampling methods with acceptable data from 296 undergraduates and analyzed with the SEM software from respondents of various cultural backgrounds. Findings suggest a positive significant relationship between motivations, skills in social entrepreneurship, knowledge, and social elements on graduate employability. Similarly, perceived support explained skills, knowledge and social elements’ relationship to graduate employability except for perceived usefulness. The outcome further discovered the perceived support role for graduates of social entrepreneurship in fostering job crafting and future employability with various implications and recommendations. The results require the application of other research approaches to provide concrete implementations and social and economic solutions. Insightful results and proposals helpful to policymakers like higher education curricula developers and implementers, scholars, government and private universities of this study can help curb graduate unemployment through social entrepreneurship.


social entrepreneurship; graduate employability; student entrepreneurs; motivation; skills; knowledge; perceived support and usefulness

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