Determinants of the functionality of cost accounting systems in social welfare organizations: Exploratory study using cluster analysis

Syed Raziuddin Ahmad, Imran Ahmad Khan

Article ID: 4845
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 1 (Abstract) 0 (PDF)


This paper presents a quantitative exploration of the functionality of cost accounting systems and their determinants in social welfare organizations. We conducted a questionnaire survey of managers of social welfare organizations running special nursing homes for the elderly and conducted a cluster analysis based on the data collected. The questionnaire was created based on the scales used in previous studies, with some new scales developed. For data analysis, the statistical analysis environment R was used. The clValid package of R was used to assess the validity of the cluster analysis. Based on the results of the analysis in this paper, it is expected that social welfare organizations that pursue cost leadership strategies and have a strong public interest orientation will benefit greatly by being able to utilize a highly functional cost accounting system. Such organizations will be able to improve their business efficiency by utilizing cost information, and their social contribution activities based on the resulting resources will truly be a contribution to public welfare. The findings from this study are of practical significance because they can be used by business managers of social welfare organizations to review the functionality of their cost accounting systems. We also focus on the degree to which nonprofit organizations focus on social contribution activities (in this paper, we call this public interest orientation). The public interest orientation of an organization is thought to affect the functionality of the cost accounting system in the same way as the organization’s strategy, but there has not been enough quantitative research on this point. By focusing on the public interest orientation of social welfare organizations, this study contributes to deepening our knowledge in this area.


cost accounting system; nonprofit organization; accounting information; financial performance; cost leadership

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