Factors affecting corporate governance: The case of state-owned enterprises with 100% capital ownership in Vietnam

Tan Huu Nguyen

Article ID: 4810
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024

VIEWS - 81 (Abstract) 27 (PDF)


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of various factors on the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises with 100% capital ownership in Vietnam. Employing quantitative research methods, the article conducted an analysis of 250 survey samples taken from such enterprises and utilized regression analysis techniques. The findings revealed eight factors that significantly impact the corporate governance of these entities in Vietnam: enterprise awareness, ownership model, the state’s role as an owner, integration, board of members, legal framework, managerial experience, and activity objectives. Leveraging these research outcomes, several recommendations have been proposed to enhance the corporate governance practices within state-owned enterprises holding complete capital ownership in Vietnam.


factors; corporate governance; state-owned enterprises; 100% capital ownership

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.4810


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