Assessment of factors determining consumer satisfaction with crop insurance services
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
Consumer satisfaction can be defined as the user’s response to a service or experience compared to the user’s expectations and perceived practical benefits. After reviewing consumer satisfaction models, it can be argued that there is no single model of consumer satisfaction assessment that is suitable for every service and every region of the world, as the causes and outcomes of satisfaction often vary. The research is original in its methodology: at the beginning, a theoretical research model is presented, then hypotheses are formulated, and correlation, factorial, regression analyses were made, which results confirmed hypotheses. The crop insurance system consists of relations between the state institution regulates insurance activities, farmers, insurers and insurance intermediaries. The aim of this article is to identify the factors that determine consumer satisfaction with crop insurance and to assess their impact. The empirical study found that consumer satisfaction is determined by the factors of recognizable value, functional (process) and technical (result) quality, consumer expectations, and image. The most important factors that determine consumer satisfaction of crop insurance are recognizable value, functional quality, and consumer expectations. Consumer satisfaction can be assessed by the cost paid and the quality received, the quality expected, and the consumers’ evaluation of the services. It was found that the socio-demographic elements of consumers do not have a decisive influence on the factors that determine service satisfaction and consumer satisfaction. It is also established that socio-demographic elements of consumers (farmer experience and insurance experience) have direct statistically significant but weak links with consumer satisfaction.
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