Consumer perception towards electric cars, an inductive study with specific reference to the Jordanian market

Ibrahim Lewis Mukattash, Mahmoud Alghizzawi, Tahreer Abu Hmeidan, Mohammad Kasim Alrousan, Mohammad Al Khasawneh, Jassim Ahmad Al-Gasawneh

Article ID: 4690
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 740 (Abstract)


Electric cars are manufactured to address environmental problems, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and nullify climate change. Their production aligns with sustainability objectives by encouraging cleaner transportation options, promoting energy efficiency, and contributing to a transition towards eco-friendly mobility in an answer to global environmental challenges. In Jordan, similar to any international market, car dealers and traders import electric cars. However, the prevailing perceptions and attitudes of Jordanian consumers need strong consideration. Nevertheless, there is still uncertainty and a need for more trust in electric vehicles among Jordanian consumers. Therefore, this research aims to ascertain whether electric cars have a lasting positive perception among Jordanians through an inductive research approach. Employing thematic qualitative analysis, this research is supported by the diffusion of innovation theory. Notably, the research findings provided robust insights, further leading to reinforcing the idea about the pervasive attitudes of Jordanian consumers. Thus, this research concludes that there still needs to be more confidence regarding electric vehicles among most consumers in Jordan. Furthermore, this research offers practical and theoretical contributions to Jordan’s policymakers and electric vehicle companies.


consumer perception; electric vehicles; emerging brands; brands

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