Business attraction in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam: The impact of the provisional competitiveness index and public policy
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
Over the course of many years, the Mekong Delta region has experienced relatively low and inconsistent levels of business attraction and low quality of the enterprise environment compared to other regions in Vietnam. To delve into whether this discrepancy reflects a negative perception of the business environment in the area, this study employs a dataset comprising the aggregate Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) and nine of its component scores, alongside other significant control variables, to analyze business attraction trends spanning from 2010 to 2020. It based on the modeling analysis for the panel data that includes Pool-OLS, FEM and REM models. The findings indicate that PCI serves as an important indicator influencing the quality of the business environment and plays a role in determining the location preferences of businesses. It is observed that public investment has exerted an impact on enticing new businesses to the region throughout this period. These research outcomes carry several policy implications, suggesting that public policy interventions can positively shape the business environment, consequently bolstering the appeal of business investments in the region.
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