The key determinants affecting entrepreneurial intention of student: Integrating theory of planned behaviour and perceived university support
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
The study’s purpose is to evaluate the influence of some factors of the model of planned behavior (TPB) and the perceived academic support of the university on the attitude toward entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention of students. The results of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) linear structural model analysis with primary data collected from 1162 students indicated that entrepreneurial intention is influenced by attitude toward entrepreneurship, subjective norm, perceived educational support, and perceived concept development support. In addition, this study also found the positive influence of perceived educational support, concept development support, and business development support on attitude towards entrepreneurship. Interestingly, the influence of perceived business development support on entrepreneurial intention was rejected, and personal innovativeness is demonstrated to promote an attitude toward entrepreneurship. Notably, this study also highlights the moderating role of personal innovativeness on the relationship between attitude toward entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. Based on these findings, several implications were suggested to researchers, universities, and policymakers.
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