Perceptron model application for traceability risk in spun pile manufacturing
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
A precise risk assessment in a production line constitutes a significant item to identify susceptible areas where there is a possibility of product quality degradation. This also applies to the precast concrete production line in Indonesia that has a spun pile product. Based on a risk assessment activity conducted in this study, it is proposed to build a traceability model in order to maintain and even improve the spun pile product quality in Indonesia. The approach used was the Neural Network of the perceptron model for weighing and will result in a defined traceability path in the context of reducing defects and even failed spun pile products. The simulation result showed that the model has been able to detect risky path possibilities to reduce product quality. The accumulation result of high-risk and medium-risk paths in this study showed that closer to product finalization, the risk will be higher. It is evident that when assessing Indicators, the order from the highest accumulation value first is Curing & Demolding and Stressing & Spinning at 29% each, Casting at 14%, Forming & Setting at 14%, and lastly Cutting & Heading at 14%. Regarding the risk assessment for activities, the first position is Curing & Demolding and Stressing & Spinning with 30% each, the second is Casting and Forming & Setting with 15% each, and the third is Cutting & Heading with 10%.
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