Barriers to green product purchase intention among social media users: A descriptive qualitative study
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
Participation in the implementation of green values that are becoming a global norm often experiences challenges. In response with trends of social media use, a study of barriers to green product purchase intention among social media users is conducted. By descriptive qualitative approach, three keywords are employed, namely: (1) “barriers to green consumption”; (2) “barriers of purchase intention; and (3) “social media use and barriers to green consumption”. The findings reveal: (1) the study of barriers to green product purchase intention among social media users has been gaining importance for future research; (2) the potential future research area includes: (a) the level of belief in green products purchase intention that explains the rationalization of green consumption (green knowledge); and (b) the use of digital media through the role of social media in promoting green consumption (green promotion). The theoretical implication emphasizes contribution to the theory of sustainable marketing, namely barriers as dynamics of market interactivity that are capable of generating responsiveness leading to business competitiveness. While practical implication is shown in business efforts to transform challenges into opportunity.
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