Digital literacy and fluency in education: Enhancing teacher education preparedness policy
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
This study explores the influence of digital technologies, including media, on pre-service teachers’ interactions and engagement patterns. It underscores the significance of promoting digital competence to empower pre-service teachers to navigate the digital world responsibly, make informed decisions, and enhance their digital experiences. The objective is to identify key themes and categories in research studies related to pre-service teachers’ digital competence and skill preparations. Conducting a systematic literature review, we searched databases such as SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, and Taylor & Francis, including forty-three articles in the dataset. Applying qualitative content analysis, we identified four major themes: digital literacy, digital competencies, digital skills, and digital thinking. Within each theme, categories and their frequencies were examined. Preliminary findings reveal a growing prevalence of digital competence and literacy articles between 2019 and 2024. The paper concludes by offering recommendations for further research and implementations, with specific criteria used for article selection detailed in the paper. A digital literacy policy for teacher education preparedness is included.
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