Empowerment of basic service quality in private higher education institutions in Malaysia

Ganesh Ramasamy, Haslinda Abdullah

Article ID: 4402
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the exogenous variables (administrative support, career placement & employability, academic staff support, institutional factors, and information systems) as service delivery quality dimensions with satisfaction and moderating variable (academic and social integration) between endogenous variables (satisfaction and retention) among undergraduate students from Malaysian private higher education institutions. In order to accomplish the objectives proposed with hypotheses, a model reflecting the relationship between service delivery quality dimensions and satisfaction moderated by academic and social integration towards retention is applied. This empirical study focused on probability-stratified random sampling with a final sample size of 309 students. This study achieved statistically significant positive results by emphasizing academic and social integration as a moderating variable to achieve student retention by linking Perceived Performance Theory and Tinto’s Interactionist Theory from satisfaction to retention. Evaluation of the structural model on the coefficient of determination for the model’s predictive accuracy in this study produced an R2 = 0.85 for satisfaction, suggesting nearly 85% of the variance in endogenous latent construct satisfaction is explained by all the service delivery quality dimensions linked to it. As for retention produced R2 = 0.74, suggesting nearly 74% of the variance in endogenous latent construct retention is explained by all the service delivery quality dimensions linked together with satisfaction and academic and social integration as moderator. The model has a substantial effect with 0.76 in the Goodness-of-Fit index, indicating that the model has better explaining power.


basic service; education; retention; satisfaction; perceived performance; social integration

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.4402


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