Mapping personality traits and green entrepreneurship and their direct effect on green entrepreneurship intention among Saudi Arabia’s future generation
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
Personality traits refer to enduring patterns of emotions, behaviors, and thoughts that shape an individual’s distinct character, influencing how they perceive and engage with their environment. This quantitative study aims to underscore the influence of personal factors and the role of educational institutions in mapping sustainable green entrepreneurial intentions among university students in Saudia Arabia. To examine the impact of personality traits and entrepreneurship education on students’ green initiatives, the research employs a quantitative research method, collecting data through a structured questionnaire survey from 494 participants who enrolled in the entrepreneurship education at King Faisal University. Structural equation modeling via SmartPLS 3 is employed for data analysis. The study reveals significant associations between the need for achievement, proactiveness, risk-aversion, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurship education with green entrepreneurial intentions. Our research findings demonstrate that the inclusion of entrepreneurship education in the curriculum has a noteworthy and favorable influence on the intention to engage in green entrepreneurship (β = −0.105, t = 3.270, p < 0.001). Additionally, it is worth noting that the desire for achievement remains significantly associated with the intention to engage in green entrepreneurship (β = 0.120, t = 3.588, p < 0.000). Furthermore, the proactive behavior of individuals has a positive and constructive impact on the intention to engage in green entrepreneurship (β = 0.207, t = 4.272, p < 0.000). Similarly, the inclination to avoid risk is found to have a beneficial and significant influence on the intention to engage in green entrepreneurship (β = 0.336, t = 4.594, p < 0.000). Lastly, it is worth highlighting that individuals’ belief in their own abilities, referred to as self-efficacy, is positively and significantly linked to the intention to engage in green entrepreneurship (β = 0.182, t = 2.610, p < 0.009). The research carries social, economic, and academic implications by emphasizing the positive contribution of green entrepreneurs to the future. Practical recommendations for policymakers and decision-makers are provided.
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